XCOAX 2020 July 8th – 10th! (Also, the Human has written a paper.)

The Robot is pleased to be part of the xcoax 2020 conference/exhibition July 8th – 10th!
8th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X

Although originally scheduled for Graz, Austria. this year XCOAX be online.
What the Robot Saw’s page is here. It includes a video presentation by The Human, and some other goodies.

“xCoAx is an exploration of the intersection where computational tools and media meet art and culture, in the form of a multi-disciplinary enquiry on aesthetics, computation, communication and the elusive X factor that connects them all.
xCoAx has been an occasion for international audiences to meet and exchange ideas, in search for interdisciplinary synergies among computer scientists, artists, media practitioners, and theoreticians at the thresholds between digital arts and culture.”

Also, The Human has written a new paper about the Robot and Algorithmic Bias.
The Algorithm is the Message: What the Robot Saw